Monday, August 1, 2011

Wish me luck!

I've been here in Arizona for two and a half weeks. I felt like I wasn't getting anything done but when I really thought about it I've actually accomplished a lot. The roommate search is still going on. I'm thinking about making a short questionnaire and having all of the "candidates" fill it out. It sounds corny but honestly it might be the only way I can make this decision. I figure I'll pick who ever gets the most check marks on my "must have in a roomie" list. That is just the way I am about these things!

On another note I've been job hunting with some initial success. I have a second interview at Cadillac Ranch tomorrow for a server position. It's a bar and grill, I figure I can make pretty good tips working there during the rush. I was offered an interview at this delicious Japanese place but passed on that because the managers where extremely moody. I don't need anyone killing my life high right now because I'm on a roll. So wish me luck !!!

I'm thinking about doing vlog (video blog) giving a tour of my new place just so everyone who has been asking about it can see it but I'm not sure yet. Lets see how much motivation I have tomorrow :) 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck at your interview lady!! You will do great! & good attitude, you don't want to work anywhere that is going to try and make you miserable :)
